I just finished the conversion of this Web site to WordPress. The visuals have not changed much but the site will be a lot more functional for me now and much more useful to you…
I will be able to start publishing articles with tips and tricks to help small business, orgs or micro-companies stand out and build an effective Web presence. I have many ideas for new articles and I’m excited to start working on them again.
The one major addition I made to the site is the new “get a quote” form. This form is a shortened version of the Project Planner document I have been using for a while now which is much appreciated by my clients who used it. I’ll explain more about it in a future article but it’s a really great tool to help you jump start your Web site project as it makes you think about every aspect, especially if you do not know where to start. Another addition is the “What my Clients Are Saying” text rotator in the right column of several pages where you’ll be able to read the testimonials of some of my past clients.
Furthermore, I finally updated my projects portfolio which is something I haven’t had the time to do for many months. You can now see my latest projects there, most of which are powered by WordPress with great results for their search engines ranking.
So, welcome to Webfocus Design… again! I’m passionate about the Web and I can help you with any Internet or brand strategy project from a simple Web site to the design of your entire brand image. Don’t hesitate to contact me!
I run a web design company. I’m thinking of adding wordpress as my cms. Do you do custom designs?
Hi there!
Yes I do custom designs. That is actually all I do as I never use free pre-made themes (free or not). I work with the Headway premium theme framework and integrate my own designs into my WordPress sites with it. Do you need help with this on some projects?
Isn’t wordpress great! I use it for all my sites , end clients can make their own updates easily too, which is a bonus for small businesses. (If they are brave enough lol)
Just a little thing – you have a typo in “Functional” in the first paragraph (feel free to edit that part of my comment! )
Yes! WordPress is awesome! …and getting better all the time! 🙂
Thank you for the heads up on the typo… I have to write all my posts in both English and French so sometimes I mix up the spelling a little 😉
Thank you for visiting and commenting!
I run my own Vancouver Web Design Company and I was seriously considering going wordpress for my latest design. It became a little to daunting to get it where I wanted it to be for myself. I still have it on my Testing Machine and i tinker with it from time to time.
You should put more time into it! 🙂 WordPress really is a great site design and development platform and it empowers clients too. Yes it can be a little daunting at first but stick to it… it’s worth it.
You do need a good theme framework like Headway to integrate any design you create into it though. It’s a really powerful and flexible framework with awesome SEO features built-in.
Congrats on converting to Wordpress, Stephane. I’m fairly new to Wordpress, but I’ve loved it every since I started using it. It’s user friendly and has so many different options to make your website stand out above all others. I like your new site!
Thank you for your kind words Lance! You chose a great time to come to WordPress. In the now almost 2 years I’ve been using it, it has evolved greatly. I can’t believe how much more powerful and flexible it is now compared to just 2 years ago.
Good luck with WordPress!